New report - Banquet Event Order (BEO)

8 votes

Design a report that groups the assigned location(s) and resource(s) into distinct headings based on the times they are assigned to the event.

Some key elements of this report would be:
1) Include general event info at the top – including contact info, etc. – similar to a confirmation.
2) Order everything in terms of dates and set-up times, so it's useful for service providers.
3) Make it clear which resources are delivered to which rooms.
4) Include all set-up instructions and quantities, so it's useful for service providers.
5) Group the resources into logical subgroups, so different groups of service providers can easily identify what they're responsible for without having to wade through a huge list.
6) Include billing information (in-line if possible) so that it looks like an "order" when presented to the client.

Under consideration Suggested by: Wes H (CollegeNET) Upvoted: 29 Oct, '21 Comments: 1

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