Improvements to SIS IMport Messages Report

1 votes

Below are the changes I would like to see.
1) increase the date range, it makes no sense to limit it to 8 days. I would prefer no limit. For example I would like to be able to run it over several semesters so I can see what chronic problems we have.
2) Add in optional filter of Event Search. I really want to be able to restrict this down to certain events. This way departments can run the report by just their courses. It is fine that it would not include anything that could not import because those are ones without valid meeting patterns that should be being handed another way.
3) Add in mulit-check list of the standard errors so we can select which ones we want to include. For example: We have to run it for warnings and errors because unknown location is considered a warning. But so is outside of location hours which are schedulers don't care about.
4) make is schedulable, there is already another feature request for this but this is really important to use.

Not Planned 25Live Pro Reports Scheduled reports Suggested by: Pamela Mason Upvoted: 10 Jan Comments: 1

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